Monday, September 9, 2013

Fresh Air!

Yesterday in church, the pastor was talking about the place where the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere meet.  In this place, the air is still.  So still, in fact that if sailboats get caught in this area, without help they will be stranded and eventually will die.  WOW!!!   Scary thought - no air!

The series he started is about fresh air and the need for it in order to revive our souls.  I gotta tell you, I felt like he was speaking directly to me.  I sat there thinking "Yep, I do that.  Yea, I've felt that. Oh yea, I've done that to get through."   Well, I don't want to just "get through".  I want to breathe FRESH AIR again!!!  I want the Lord to fill me up!  I want to be so in love with Jesus. I want to obey Him out of desire and not duty (1 John 5:2-3).  So...
A couple of things I need to do:
  • Stop faking it!  Yes, the smile you see on my face is not ALWAYS how I am inside.  God is Faithful though!  He WILL restore to me the joy of my salvation!!! (Psalm 51:12)
  • Fall in love with Jesus again.  I remember what it was like when Claude and I first fell in love!  I would do anything to make him happy.  I WANT that with Jesus!!!  I will pursue Him and fall in love with Him again!!
  • DIG UP ROOTS OF BITTERNESS.  This one will be my biggest challenge.  Unfortunately, I have allowed bitterness to take root in my heart.  I have allowed satan to use that to hurt me and my testimony (Hebrews 12:15).  NOT ANYMORE!  It will take alot of prayer, courage, and strength but I will dig out those weeds, all the way down to the roots!!!  
  • Forgive myself and others.  Hurt is inevitable in life.  People are human and they will let me down.  I have no choice but to give the same grace and mercy that Jesus gave to me.  I will also forgive myself.  I am human too!  I do things that I don't want to do, but my flesh does it anyway (Romans 7:15-18).  Thank God I am forgiven!!!

Time to breathe in that FRESH AIR!

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