Monday, September 5, 2011

Monthly Blues

Sometimes I just wish all my female parts could just be taken out & I wouldn't have to "deal" with them anymore. After all, they haven't done what they were suppose to do anyway. Each month it's like an annoying reminder of something I can't do!

Ok, that's how I start off feeling.

Then I am reminded of God's grace and His abundant blessings in my life. He never told me that my life was going to be all roses and happiness. He never said that I wouldn't face heartbreaks and troubles. He did, however, promise me that I would have a Comforter to help me through the hardships. He did promise that His grace would be sufficient to see me through the heartbreaks and disappointments.

When my "friend" visits me, I am just so glad I am heathly and that I have God's unconditional love and grace in my life! I am so thankful that God keeps His promises! How LUCKY am I!?!?

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